City Meet Days 1&2

Day 1:
Day one of the CCAA City Championship Meet started off perfect with 2 groups of the 11/12's being able to warm-up until an infamous City Meet storm hit and delayed the meet by at least and hour and a half. Not only did it rain, HARD, it thundered and lightening for a while confining most people to what we call Tent City, to keep busy and rest up for the meet.

Two Laurens: One is a coach (who closed her eyes on purpose) and one is actually named Bananas.

Luckily our swimmers spent time during the rain delay checking the heat sheet (a few photos above), playing Apples to Apples, and teaching each other camp songs.

Unfortunately the water started seeping into our tent from the sides and then started coming up from the middle of the tent. I'm not quite sure how that happened but it quickly ended our game of Apples to Apples and we had to scramble for high ground.

One way to wash an apple during a meet is stick it outside the tent during a rain storm.

This was the first City Meet all the triplets made it together which was pretty cool. And sorry I can't help that a lot of my pictures are of my brothers, thankfully they are used to the camera and don't complain that much to me anymore when I ask for a quick shot!
Day 2:

Today was the day for 7/8 and 9/10 year olds to swim. Needless to say Tent City was a whole lot more chaotic than yesterday with more smaller children running around, but it was just as, if not more fun than the night before!

Each of the tents have a few fans plus water misters that provide not only a relief from the heat but also lots of entertainment for the kids and some of the younger coaches.

A lot of these photos are just snapshots from the day of the kids waiting in the tent or waiting in the Clerk of Course to be called to lineup for their events. Today was long but lots of fun and it was so rewarding seeing all the kids swim at the biggest meet for summer league after all the work they have put in this summer!