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City Meet Day 3

Day 3:

~13/14's and 15/18's swam~

Day 3 of City Meet started off with a 3 hour rain/storm delay that was actually kind of scary at times. Being a part of summer league swimming means being accustomed to summer storms and delays but yesterday the rain was so bad most of the tents flooded (see two pictures down), the shuttle system shut down and the lightening was closer than it has ever been. Luckily though we were able to start the meet once the thunder stopped and everything went smoothly after that!

Yesterday's time waiting for events was spent talking, taking pictures (big thanks the Lauren for taking a few of the photos in the post) and throwing food to see who could catch it in their mouths.

Pictured above are swimmers who have swam for this team ranging from 2 months to 14 years. They are our senior stingrays who graduated this past June and with mixed emotions finished their summer league swim career last night.

I joined Sha-Mel-Lon the summer before my 8th grade year when my mom took the head coaching job. Even though adjusting to a new team was hard a first, as the years went on I was adopted into this swim family where I was able to meet two of my best friends (featured above) and make memories I will be forever be grateful for.

So thank-you CCAA for holding another City Meet on a long but fun weekend. I now can't wait to see all of my swimmers again next year for another summer of storms, meets, death polo matches, frog rescues, hard kick sets, fun Fridays, popsicle eating, team bonding, and fast swims.

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